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About Solution 

Gait Scanner

What is your gait score?

Gate Scanner is an innovative solution that measures 20 clinical gait information by utilizing a proprietary deep learning model that analyzes the footage captured by the camera.


Anyone can easily check their walking status without visiting professional equipment or medical institutions.

Gait analysis can also be used as an early biomarker for degenerative brain diseases, with changes in gait patterns helping to detect and prevent conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's early.

Gaitscanner uses AI-powered gait analysis technology to precisely analyze your movements.

Extract 20 clinical gait information with accuracy (up to 98.7%) comparable to GAITRite*, a specialized medical device for gait analysis.

* GAITRite: A medical gait analysis system consisting of a long plate with pressure sensors attached. It detects changes in foot pressure during walking over a distance of 5 meters and analyzes the pattern of changes.

Excellent Accuracy

Superior gait analysis accuracy

In comparison with GAITRite, the Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) is up to 0.987 and the average is 0.835, confirming a high level of accuracy and reliability*

(Excellent: ICC > 0.75, Good: 0.40<ICC<0.75, Poor: ICC<0.40)

*Jeong, S., Yu, H., Park, J., & Kang, K. (2021). Quantitative gait analysis of idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus using deep learning algorithms on monocular videos. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 12368

*Fleiss, Joseph L. Design and analysis of clinical experiments. John Wiley & Sons, 2011


Take measurements with your camera without specialized equipment or a trip to the doctor.


Analytic results with a high concordance rate of up to 98.7% with specialized analytical instruments.

Early detection of Degenerative brain diseases

Changes in gait patterns can help detect and prevent degenerative brain diseases early.

Wide range of applications

It can be used in healthcare, sports, rehabilitation, elder care, and more.


“When using the app, it offers a reasonable price of ₩1,900 per month (30 sessions), compared to existing gait analysis equipment.”


Take measurements with your camera without specialized equipment or a trip to the doctor.


Analytic results with a high concordance rate of up to 98.7% with specialized analytical instruments.

Early detection of Degenerative brain diseases

Changes in gait patterns can help detect and prevent degenerative brain diseases early.

Wide range of applications

It can be used in healthcare, sports, rehabilitation, elder care, and more.


“When using the app, it offers a reasonable price of ₩1,900 per month 

(30 sessions), compared to existing gait analysis equipment.”

Major Features

Key Features

AI Gait Analysis

Extract 20 clinical gait information and gait scores with high accuracy.

Fall Risk Prediction

Predict fall events from the gait stability.

Diagnostics of Degenerative brain diseases

Utilize gait analysis values to provide diagnostic results for degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

Gait Status Monitoring

Continuously check your gait status. If abnormalities are found, it will induce you to visit the hospital.

Analysis Result Report

Compare gait analysis test methods

Category Product Type 1 Product Type 2 Product Type 3 Gait Analysis Device GAITRite Video Analysis Solution
(Video Analyzer)
Applied Technology 3D Motion Capture Wearable Devices
(IMUs, Smart Watch, etc.)
Analyze pressure patterns detected on attached insoles Analyze precision pressure sensing sensor data Deep Learning Based Video Data Analysis
Additional Analyzer Required O O O O X
(Only Camera Required)
Accessibility Low
(Visiting a space with specialized analysis equipment installed)
(Measure from anywhere)
(Measure from anywhere)
(Visiting a space with specialized analysis equipment installed)
(Measure from anywhere)
Operation Difficulty Very High
(Highly specialized skills required ; sensor calibration, camera sync, etc..)
(Need to be familiar with the basic way to wear)
(Need to be familiar with the basic way to wear)
(Need to know how to use equipment and machine-friendly interface)
(Provide a kiosk/app-based user-friendly interface)
Analyzable Gait Parameters Few
(Understand basic kinematic characteristics like speed and stride length)
(Understand basic kinematic characteristics like speed and stride length)
(Understand basic kinematic characteristics like speed and stride length)
16 Types
(Multi-dimensional/high-dimensional gait inspection is possible)
16 Types
(Multi-dimensional/high-dimensional gait inspection is possible)
Result Reliability Very High Somewhat Low Low Very High High
(Experimentally verified papers/Patent)

Possible applications

Application field

Innovative AI technology for the prevention of serious industrial accidents at industrial sites

  • Quantitative assessment of cognitive function:

    Quantitatively assess cognitive decline and fatigue by analyzing workers' walking patterns

  • Real-time Alert System:

    Detect red flags to alert admins and take action to prevent safety incidents

  • Personalized health care:

    Analyze each worker's health to provide personalized health care

  • Make data-driven decisions:

    Empower managers to make better decisions with analytics data

Certifications and patents

Certifications and patents held

Medical Device License (KFDA)

List of patents held

Patent Number


Patent application number

제 10-2024-0165365 호

Filing date


Date of enrollment


the name of the invention

인지 기능 모니터링을 위한 보행 분석 온디바이스 시스템 및 그 방법
(Gait analysis on-device system for monitoring cognitive function and method thereof)

Patent Number

제 10-2560605 호

Patent application number

제 10-2021-0072557 호

Filing date


Date of enrollment


the name of the invention

활보 가로세로비에 기초하는 특발정상압수두증 예측 정보 제공 방법 및 장치
(Method and apparatus for providing predictive information for idiopathic hydrocephalus based on gait aspect ratio)

Patent Number

제 10-2570184 호

Patent application number

제 10-2020-0125665 호

Filing date


Date of enrollment


the name of the invention

보행 영상 기반의 보행 측정 방법 및 이의 장치
(Gait measurement method based on gait video and apparatus thereof)


Publishing technical papers


Gait Scanner Demo 

AI healthcare Solution AICU



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ADDR. Daegu, Korea ㅣ Biz License 818-81-02937


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ADDR. Daegu, Korea ㅣ Biz License 818-81-02937